«Wonder Women» in Rustavi

Irune shares her experience on the project,
“The project was about women’s rights and freedom, during which there were discussions, expressions of opinions, disclosures of agreed and disagreed opinions, as a result of which several groups were formed and we created a visual expression with a comic solution and at the end we had an exhibition. During the project, we got acquainted with the culture, song and dance of the participants from different countries, traditional dishes, as well as the social status, percentage equality and inequality between men and women. During the project, various activities related to painting were done. We also had a trip to Tbilisi, as a result of which we learned about many interesting hidden places. We visited the Georgian bath. Thanks to this program, the world perception of all of us was expanded.”
Another participant, Hrant tells,
“Our topic was on feminism. We went beyond merely talking about it to creatively expressing our ideas in a comic strip. Throughout the program, we were engaged in individual and group activities, exploring the town, taking part in various games, evening discussions etc. Our aim was to know more about women’s rights, from perspectives of people coming from different corners of the world.”

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